Packaging and Processing

Customized Packaging Roll Stock for Food Suppliers

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Why go for custom packaging?

Many small industries tend to avoid the hefty budget of customizing their product packaging. However, the marketing word is rapidly changing and not adapting to certain changes can zap you out of business before you know it. Custom packaging isn’t as simple as just printing your name or brand logo on a big pouch and stuffing your product inside, it is a complex science of carefully calibrating the size, shape and protectiveness of containment your product is going to be packaged in. Customizing packaging to a maximum possible level can save money on transportation costs as well as it can greatly improve the consumer’s perception of your brand.

Less volume, less weight, less damage:

A custom sized package means you can always smartly stuff more packages in one shipment, as they would take up less space and weight on the shipping scale. Customized protection ensures that your product will sustain minimum damage during transportation and will probably have a longer shelf life than a traditionally packaged item. All this concludes into better (most minimal) transportation charges, less transportation wear and tear and fewer returns from unhappy customers.

Branding that doesn’t miss the target:

If the branding is done right, and printed perfectly, this creates a sense of happily among customers. Buying and using a vividly colorful and stylish product is a far better and memorable experience for any given customers. It is one of the key reasons after product quality that ultimately turns customers into loyal consumers. First impression is the last and if someone finds your product wrapped up in an eye catchy and soothing way, they would definitely want to buy and try your product, hence a better brand image is established which concludes in capturing the customer’s love, something all brands and businesses strive to get.

Custom branding also helps in a company to have a more professional look and presence in the market. It reminds both the retailers and customers alike that the product they are holding isn’t from an amateur’s workshop and is likely to be great. Last but not the least, it also allows a brand to add personalized and customized slogans and call to actions on the package.

Wrapping it up with Roll Stock:

Given the information above, custom packaging seems to be a perfect solution for any business.  And the best solution for applying custom packaging is no doubt via Roll Stock. Roll Stocks are thin films of material which are fed into a Roll Stock Packaging Machine, which transforms them into desired size and shape, places the product inside and seals them up. It is the most cost effective and one machine solution for custom packaging you are ever going to get.

Does food supplied need it too?

Food above all other products need to be packed smartly as the best food product is not just good on the stomach but on the eye as well.

Cons of custom packaging:

IF you want to overlook all the long list of benefits, two possible demerits for applying custom packaging are higher production cost and initially a lot of time, effort and other resources are needed to finalize the logo and design.

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